With great longing we wait for Him, His presence. His overshadowing that is and always has been marked by an unmistakable entrance.
Unfortunately, many Christian circles in which I have traveled consider an experience with Christ non-essential; or worse yet, it is considered a counterfeit from the enemy… a self induced, emotionally-hypnotic trance-like-state confirmed by goose bumps. Some even call it self hypnosis. Or, if in a crowd, it is called mass hypnosis. Instead, to these, Christ is reduced to a verbal affirmation spoken in a quasi-guttural, semi-suburban dialect which sounds something like “uh-huh” or “yeaaah.” They essentially mean that one only needs to mentally ascended to a prescribed religious rhetoric and thereby be called Christian.
But, thank God, some are not deceived. For the believer who asks, seeks and knocks, nothing less than His abiding presence will suffice. Only after we have tasted of Him do we know this to be true. What is even more exciting to me is that the waiting is almost over. In fact, have you noticed that when you pray now He answers immediately or at least much sooner than ever before?
So then, we stand on the edge of Kingdom Living, where time will no longer be the deciding factor of truth. Eliminate from your thinking the axiom “Time Will Tell.” Instead, Jesus Reveals. He is the Truth. What we now wait for is that “We might be filled with ALL the fullness of God” (Eph.3:19). He longs to fill us with Himself. I pray we are so moved to agree with His desire.